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Capitol Technology University Course Catalog

    Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog

Mission, Vision and Learning Goals


Our university motto, Aut viam inveniam aut faciam (Latin), which translates to “Either Find a Way or Make One,” reflects the tenacity and resourcefulness of our campus community.


The mission of Capitol Technology University is to educate individuals for professional opportunities in engineering, computer and information sciences, and business. We provide relevant learning experiences that lead to success in the evolving global community.


By 2025, in accordance with the Mission Statement, Capitol Technology University will be seen by its constituents and by the public as:

  • A STEM-focused institution of higher education, providing undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering, information sciences, and technology leadership, that has flexibility and opportunities to grow, and that adapts offerings to emerging workforce needs.
  • A provider of hands-on, career-relevant learning that is conducted in an interdisciplinary and interactive environment, where faculty and staff support student achievement and success.
  • A university that delivers programs of similarly outstanding quality through face-to-face and virtual classrooms, and other forms and mixtures of teaching methods that align with the learning needs of our students.
  • An organization with faculty and leadership who stimulate and implement new curricula, research and entrepreneurial activities for the professions we serve, and that benefit a diverse community of learners.
  • An organization that is closely linked to its constituency of local, regional and national partners in business, government, non-profits, and professions that provide influence for future technology development and policies.
  • An organization that engages the global community, through educating international students, coordinating with educators, and supporting multinational professional associations.
  • A university that develops graduates with communications, analysis and critical thinking skills that allow them to be successful in a global environment and pursue lifelong learning as technical professionals, leaders and innovators.
  • A university that prepares graduates for jobs and careers, and that serves the broader purpose of education to address national needs-based policies through scientific consideration.
  • An organization appropriately sized for quality education and financial viability, with sustainable assets for faculty and staff to provide a best-value STEM education.

Core Values

The core values are the characteristics we embrace in working together to fulfill the mission and achieve the vision of the institution.

  • Quality - always striving for continuous improvement
  • Growth - expanding and changing to meet new needs of society
  • Leadership - offering creative, supportive and shared leadership
  • Balance - maintaining a balance between competing needs
  • Integrity - being honest, ethical and open
  • Teamwork - exercising collective effort to support students, faculty and staff
  • Communication -providing timely and useful information
  • Flexibility - discovering and seizing opportunities
  • Safety - maintaining awareness and prevention of accidents and threats


Capitol Technology University’s student body mirrors the diversity of American higher education, which enriches the teaching and learning environment. Motivated high school graduates come to Capitol Technology University ready for educational experiences that will expand their career opportunities. Working adults, veterans and transfer students come to Capitol Technology University to complete undergraduate programs of study that will enhance their career opportunities. Established professionals come to Capitol Technology University to expand their skills by earning graduate degrees or participating in short-term learning experiences.

Learning Goals

Capitol Technology University seeks to prepare graduates who demonstrate four characteristics:

  • Employability- The ability to enter and advance in technical and managerial careers appropriate to their level and area of study immediately upon graduation.
  • Communication - Mastery of traditional and technological techniques of conveying ideas effectively and persuasively.
  • Preparation of the Mind - The broad intellectual grounding in technical and general subjects required to embrace future technical and managerial opportunities with success.
  • Professionalism - Commitment to lifelong learning, ethical practice and participation in professions and communities.

The Educational Philosophy of the Academic Programs

  • Four principles define the educational philosophy of Capitol Technology University. Academic programs must be:
  • Grounded in both theory and practice in order to prepare graduates for immediate employment and long-term professional careers
  • Fundamentally hands-on and practice-oriented to provide the technical skills for students to be immediately employable upon graduation,
  • Tied to the contemporary needs of industry so that curriculum reform and development are pragmatic, and
  • Enriched by courses in the liberal arts to provide every graduate with an enhanced sense of self, society, history and aesthetics.